Monday, November 2, 2009

Lunch Today: Patties, Potatoes and Greens Oct. 02 '09

My heading didn't sound so appetizing did it? But for lunch in a hurry, it was really very good, so I thought I'd better share this one for you time-challenged people trying to get a healthy meal on the table. This was an under-30-minutes-meal... Sorry picture is not so good, I didn't know the camera was on low resolution.
Ingredients for the patty:
1 onion, quartered
1/2 cup walnuts
2 cups rolled oats (doesn't matter what kind)
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. sage
1 Tbsp. soy sauce or tamari (wheat-free)
1 can garbanzo beans, drained
1/4 cup plain milk- almond milk or rice milk
A food processor helps make prep pretty easy. So that's what I used to make the patties. Into the processor bowl went the onion. Pulse the machine and get that chopped up a bit smaller and then add walnuts, rolled oats, salt and sage. Process until it's all mixed together good. Add in the garbanzo beans and then soy sauce or tamari and milk. Process away until it's all blended up and gooey-looking, takes a minute or two.
I like to use various sized ice cream scoopers to do the dirty work. Plus, me being me, I like all my patties uniform in size and shape. But go ahead and do what works for you and what you have available. (I can't help it I'm a kitchen gadget girl). Taking a medium-sized scooper for medium-sized patties, I scooped the mix into a nonstick pan that had a little olive oil in it over medium-high heat and flattened them down with the back of a shamoji-you know, the rice scooper that comes with the new rice cooker. It doesn't stick! Let it cook until golden brown and then turn over with a spatula and brown the other side.
While my patties were cooking, I thought "Ooh, I need a starch." Brown rice takes too long to cook for last minute. I had some dehydrated potatoes, the kind for making scalloped potatoes. So I put them in a pot with water and cooked them, thinking I'd make mashed potatoes. That didn't happen because they wouldn't break down. I ended up putting them in a pan with olive oil, fresh rosemary, garlic, and salt and browning them off. Not bad.
We had some kale and Swiss chard out in the yard. Those are always easy and tasty and you know their full of powerful stuff like Vitamins K, A and C, manganese and high in fiber. This translates into building good blood for a healthier you and keeping your colon clean. Rinse them good and chop or tear into bite-sized pieces. If the stem is large, I'd suggest removing the rib by folding the leaf in half and running a knife blade down alongside the rib. (Save the stems for juicing!) Then chop or tear. In a pan heat some pure sesame oil and saute a few cloves of sliced or chopped garlic. Once that has browned, add in the kale and saute lightly, turning with tongs. Don't overcook. Drizzle on some soy sauce or tamari at the last moment then remove from heat. Sprinkle on vitamin B-rich nutritional yeast and calcium-rich sesame seeds and you're done.
If I had just another minute more I would have added a sauce to go with my patties. My thought would have been to blend some pimientos or roasted red bell peppers with pepperoncini peppers, and mixing that into a bit of Vegenaise. I know this makes a great sandwich spread because Brian did it recently for an event we catered. That would have been good on those patties. Oh well, next time. Anyway, a fresh green salad rounded out this meal. Try this dressing we had on our salad today. Everybody in our family liked it a lot. Found it on this web site:
Happy cooking, happy eating, happy health!