The Maui Vegetarian just got back from this inspiring event with photos to share. If you didn't make it there, plan for next year. The speakers were great, inspiring their listeners to better health through improved lifestyle. If you are interested in obtaining a DVD or CD copy of any of the speakers, visit WWW.MODERNMANNA.ORG to order. As for us, we dished up good food to the guests but cannot take credit for all the hard work. Special thanks go to Ruth, Cathy, Mike, Marv, Paula, Casey, Frank, the Vierra girls, Jonathan, and to everyone who volunteered some of their time to working the kitchen and serving lines. Now for photos...
Chef Brian and Rhonda, a friend from the islands.
Mia will always serve up those delicious smoothies and juices with a big smile!
You'll never meet anyone get as excited about doing dishes as Frank.
What kind of party is going on here?
Wow Lauren, that's a lot of salsa!
Marv and Paula--you guys are great!
These kids worked hard at the smoothie bar.
Chris and others on the serving line. Who knew hairnets could be so fashionable?
Gi! You are so busted!
This is a funny picture. What is Ruth pointing to and laughing at?
So now let me ask you, who in their right mind would want to miss all this fun?! See you there next year!!!
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