Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Vegan Kitchen Update March 10 '09

No good news to report as of yet. We are waiting to speak with City Hall regarding the last meeting they had about us. With that information we will be able to make a better decision. So far, we have a couple of options.
I had been reluctant to explain the situation because of the length and complexity of the issue, but I'll try my best to explain so you know...
Fire Dept. states "No cooking with grease (oil) without a commercial hood, vent system and fire suppression system." We had tried to comply with this and invested in the costly equipment (on borrowed money). When the Building Dept. got involved to issue a permit for the installation of this onto the trailer, they placed codes upon us that were unrealistic for the trailer, using guidelines for a "permanent" restaurant. So there the problem lay and never got beyond that. Between city hall, fire dept., and building dept., their "hands are tied" as was explained to me.
So we could possibly relocate outside of the city. We have to weigh the fact that it may not be profitable for us as the majority of our traffic would be located in Roseburg.
We may possibly be operating just seasonally and do the fairs, farmer's markets, etc. In this case, please keep updated for a schedule of where we will appear.
As to obtaining a permanent restaurant location, it is not an option for us. We like the flexibility of being able to close down to do cooking classes, health education, lectures, etc. Also, cost and time would be too much to handle! Thank you for all your suggestions and help in trying to figure this situation out.
I'll let you know what we figure out. It's leaning toward operating seasonally, and leaving the winter season open for return to Hawaii to resume our lecture/demo work. Aloha and God bless, if you'd like to read about our Expo experience, read on...

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